Al-kisah nya bermula apabila aku mula dapat tawaran masuk UiTM Lendu. I'm really happy to get the offer from UiTM to continue my study in Dip. Business Studies ( Insurance ). Although it's not my first choice I glad I got the offer. Skip the orientation week ( MDS ), now I want to share with all of you what happened to me during my first month in UiTM as an insurance student. Technically, I look like I'm a mascom / photog student. Maybe the way I dress & the way I talked to people is different from other insurance students. My first class on Monday was BEL 120 and that's it for the day. What can I remembered was I still not make any new friends that time. I barely knew anyone from my class.
My attire during class |
Selalunya kalau kuliah aku lebih selesa memakai kemeja daripada baju kurung. Unless it's compulsory to wear baju kurung, baru aku pakai. Kiranya memang susah nak nampak aku pakai baju kurung la ya. Personally, bila aku pakai baju kemeja nampak la ala2 budak business. Formal look and at the same time, it's boost my confident level when I meet other people at UiTM. Gambar2 ni ambil time awal2 sem. Ternampaklah muka2 budak baik kan. Hahaha. Bayangkan la time dah part 6, mcm mane la rupa kitaorg budak insurance C ni. =). Since I attended my first MGT class, I started to be friends with Ain, Nazrul. It's because we were in same group for presentation.
Masa nak ambil gambar kelas. |
Muka skema nazrul time ni. =) |
Hana yg suka bergambar. |
Jue. Time awal2 kitaorg selalu bersama. Now dia dah x belajar kat UiTM.
Good luck! |
masa presentation MGT. ( muka gementar ni ) |
Nazrul! kau nampak lain. Haha. Sekarang dah x macam ni. =) |
Nurul baik, pandai owh. =) |
Kalau ikutkan memang best time awal2 sem 1. Banyak kenangan owh. Rasanya baru je happened tapi rupanya dah berbulan berlalu. Mula2 kenal dengan student2 kat sini semua okay. Lepas dah lama berkenalan, I can see the real personality of them.
Oh ya, caya x aku wakil TPH utk bola keranjang for Sukan Bakat b\Baru time sem 1. Hell yeah, rasa x caya pun ada. Thank you to Wani sbb ajak aku join. Kalau x, alamat x dapat merasai pingat emas owh. Hehe. Pancit habis time main tapi puas dapat join.
* Few pictures that I still kept in my laptop. I have a lot of pictures to share but my connection does not let me upload many pictures at once.
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