Can't wait..

5 more days to go until my semester two ends this Sunday. 

Currently only 3 people left in my room. Now, my campus is being haunted by the news of a guy " pukau " girls at girls colleges. Few of  the girl colleges had been affected with that case. It seem my college will be one of the target but hopefully no one will the victim. 

I don't understand why this person want to do such a thing. Some more he doing this chaos during our examination week. It's make us feel more stress. Our life at the moment are in critical condition while this thing is still happening around our campus. Last night few cops went to T.M college to investigate the case of " pukau ".

I'm praying that my college will not involve in this case. Amin.


High School Year

During Chemistry Lab Experiment

Photoshoot Ed Board.

With my junior prefects

Prefectorial Board 2008/2009 ( freestyle)

During prefect camp

Tarik tali team members. GO LEDANG

Hitea 2009

Alia & Me ( ed board photoshoot )

Hitea Prefect 2008 


Honestly, when I saw someone had achieve something in their life, I started to be jealous easily and sometimes I felt that I haven't achieved anything that I want. Therefore I need to do something I capable of but what I can do now? To excel in academics are way impossible for me because there're more genius people in my class. I just an average teenage girl with an average IQ level. I know is not easy to achieve things that we want, maybe by being average is enough for me. One day, I will try to be a better person and grab any opportunity that I can. 

Today is not a good day for me. I'm alone in my room, just few of my levelmate are here. The others went for their examination. It's actually an opportunity for me to be by myself for awhile. To have space of my own, to do what I really want and to have my own privacy. 

For the time being, I prefer to listen what my friends say rather than to give opinions or suggestions. Some of you may not realize that I actually not a talkative person. I'm more into listening. You may say that I like to make jokes to my friends or people that I know but currently I don't have any interest to do that. Preferable to be focus on examination, revision and books. Sounds geeky but that's the truth. 

Being what you are is the best thing although there will be people not satisfy of what you are and they start to talk about you. Just believe in yourself and eventually all will be okay. It's good sometimes to listen what they have said and improve from there. If you think you can do, just do it but if you prefer to not change anything, just stay that way. At the end of it they will ignore about the issued that happened. 


Orang yang kita sayang akan jauhkan diri dari kita

Betul ke kita akan mengalami sebegini? Alangkah sedihnya jika pekara macam ini terjadi kat aku. Hope this situation does not happen to me. Ayat ini aku dengari ketika makan malam bersama rakan - rakanku. Lately I always thinking about you. I miss you.


Salam kepada semua readers, blog walking dan sebagainya. Pada hari yang indah rasa teringin nak menulis post yang baru. Ini disebabkan saya mendapat satu idea baru daripada hasil membaca blog - blog orang lain. Tidak dinafikan kadang - kadang saya rasa cemburu dengan cara penulisan mereka. Tidak membosankan langsung walaupun panjang menjela post diaorang. 

Sekarang ini saya ingin menceritakan apa yang berlaku dalam minggu ini. Almaklumlah minggu ini merupakan Minggu Peperiksaan Akhir Semester. Kalau ikutkan saya ni dah menghadap buku je memanjang tapi saya bukan macam itu. Cara pembelajaran saya lebih ke arah santai dan tidak stress pada siang hari. Tibanya pada waktu malam baru lah saya mengulangkaji pelajaran bersungguh - sungguh sehingga 3-4am. Dah selewat begitu tidur, selewat itu jugak la saya bangun. 

Lusa saya akan menghadapi kertas pertama iaitu CTU 151. Diikutkan nampak senang kan tapi pada hakikatnya punya la banyak pekara nak hafal kat subjekt ni. Belum lagi subjekt hardcore seperti MKT 243 ( Marketing ). Ctu kali ni lebih kepada sejarah tamadun dan pemikiran Islam. Maknanya tak boleh sesuka hati nak tulis masa peperiksaan nanti. 

Itu cerita tentang peperiksaan, sekarang pula tentang kehidupan saya kat Uitm ni. Alhamdulilah lagi beberapa hari semester 2 sudah nak berakhir. Kiranya aku akan cuti semester mulai 2 Mei hingga akhir Mei. Rasa x sabar nak bercuti. Dalam perancangan bermungkinan pergi ke Singapura. Yeah! Nak beli perfume banyak - banyak.

Baiklah sampai sini post saya. Budak baru belajar nak tulis panjang - panjang. Tapi ini merupakan percubaan yang bagus. Moga penulisan saya akan lebih baik di masa kana datang. Jumpa lagi ya. Oh ya, good luck kepada mereka yang akan ambil peperiksaan. =).

Before Finals.

Last Friday I arrived at Kelana Jaya. Went back to my hometown because I want to do my revision for my finals. Now is Sunday but I think just few chapter of CTU151 I read and the rest is still untouched. Damn why I so lazy bum bum now to study. Mira u said u wanna get DL for this sem but the way you do it like you don't want to achieved anything.

Tomorrow I will go back to Lendu. =). Maybe I prefer to study there rather at KJ because at here many distraction for me to do my revision plus I slept a lot!... I sleept like a pig!. Hahaha..

Oh ya, I'm addicted to Tutti Frutti now. The frozen yogurt is delicious esp chocolate and vanilla flavor.

MKT, how are you?

MKT : Chapter 9, 10, 11 & 12

OMG .. 4 chapters to cover in one night? and my test 2 for MKT 243 is tomorrow night ( 12/4 ).

Plus, for ECO 162, I haven't started anything about it.

Nyum nyum... Bit Bit

OH Ice- Cream!... 

Bit sekali masuk, Bit sekali keluar, Bit Bit Kad Rabbit
 ( what a tagline )